We are very conscious of the importance of language and would like to make it a priority in our discussions. Though English is often seen as the most convenient choice it is also deeply rooted in Eurocentric forms of knowledge production. We hope to find different tools to invite you all to follow and participate in the conversations we think are highly necessary today regardless of your mother tongue.


relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
"we've become a major force of nature in this new Anthropocene epoch"

the current geological age viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.

However, the term has become increasingly problematic through its inflation of use, particularly within the environmental context. The focus on the human perspective, as a cause and remedy of our current climate crisis underlines the human as the ultimate determinator and agent within our planetary system. In T. J. DEMOS “Against the Anthropocene. Visual Culture and Environment Today” he is further addressing this issue as he critically surveys the thesis of the human centric age by pointing to its limitations. He consider how “the term proposes more than merely a description of objective geological periodization (…) but argues that the Anthropocene terminology works ideologically in support of a neoliberal financialization of nature, anthropocentric political economy, and endorsement of geoengineering as the preferred—but likely disastrous—method of approaching climate change. To democratize decisions about the world’s near future, we urgently need to subject the Anthropocene thesis to critical scrutiny and develop creative alternatives in the present.”



